truth hurts

Sunday, April 09, 2006

There is ever always lack of sooth
Within he who bears the truth
His secrets hidden painfully
Eyes glazed over shielding misery

For the world pours forth
Doubt, anger, lack of worth
Directed to one, disguised from all
Sneaky nuggets behind his heart's musty wall

Twisting, turning, torturing, trying
To flee for the light dimly shining
Dimly caring still
Wearing down his battered will

Yet these doves that yearn to fly
Are but ravens ravishing he who cries

Suppose then that this one man
Held the world in his one hand
Looked behind our hideous lies
Uncovering the people for whom he dies

He who understands man's very nature
Bears our ill with postured stature
Our truth pierces hands and side
That fateful day love and forgiveness collide

Posted by jon at 3:51 AM